Saturday 7 January 2023

Appendix I: The Making Of Planet Of The Apes: McDowall In Makeup Part 1

The story is told, the shock ending come and gone. But there are many stories to tell about this amazing film, about how it came to be, and its effect on the history of motion pictures. Contemporary reviews and trivia were covered pretty extensively in my main blog back in 2018 when we celebrated Planet's fiftieth anniversary, but what about the actual creation of this cinematic masterpiece, and the highly talented professionals who actually brought it all together?

The following images are all taken from Roddy McDowall's own self-made behind the scenes movies, mostly shot at the Fox Ranch and Malibu and Oxnard beaches in California in the spring and summer of 1967. More images will appear over the next few weeks.

Today's selection, the first of three parts, shows makeup artist Don Cash and various colleagues transforming McDowall into Cornelius. This is a more comprehensive collection of images than those that appeared on the main blog back in 2018.

More Roddy in the makeup lab next Saturday, 14th January, at 19:00 GMT.

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