Saturday 11 March 2023

Appendix X: The Making Of Planet Of The Apes: The Studio Pitch

"I want to make a test. I want to see if we can do the makeup properly or if it's going to look ridiculous or laughable."
- Richard D. Zanuck, 1966.

The ten-minute test presented a taste of the film Arthur P. Jacobs wanted to make. Rehearsed on 7th March 1966 and filmed on 8th March, the pitch starred Charlton Heston as astronaut John Thomas, with Edward G. Robinson as Dr Zaius. Also appearing were Linda Harrison as Dr Zira and James Brolin as Cornelius in very rudimentary chimpanzee makeup by Ben Nye (John Chambers was yet to join the project).

The test film was shown to nine senior Fox executives in September 1966, and nobody found the project ridiculous or laughable. Planet Of The Apes was given the green light. 

The rest is history.

Sadly, Edward G. Robinson left the project after the test, afraid that his poor health would be made worse by the rigours of performing in ape prosthetics for an extended period. He was replaced by respected Shakespearean actor Maurice Evans.

James Brolin was replaced by Roddy McDowall for the role of Cornelius, while Zira was eventually played by Kim Hunter. Linda Harrison went on to play mute human woman Nova in Planet Of The Apes and its sequel Beneath The Planet Of The Apes.

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